Clean, hygienically perfect drinking water is the prerequisite for well-being and health. But water can do even more: it brings warmth into the living room. To ensure that your heating system works reliably at all times, not only the main components such as the circulation pump or boiler must function perfectly. The heating water also plays an important role in the performance and reliable operation of the heating system. If its condition is unfavourable, components of the heating system can be damaged to such an extent that a malfunction, failure of individual components or even the entire system can occur. It is therefore worth taking a closer look.
We have been dealing with heating systems and their optimal filling for over 80 years. Our company started as a boiler cleaning enterprise. Today we are the leading supplier of the latest technology for water treatment.
Heating filling system conforming to standards is the be all and end all
The ability of water to absorb and transfer heat makes it to an ideal heat transfer medium. But beware: drinking water from the tap is not the same as heating water – and vice versa. Continuously circulating water in the heating system is often contaminated with harmful substances. To prevent these substances from entering the drinking water, it is essential that the heating water is separated. Direct filling of the heating circuit from the drinking water installation, e.g. via a simple hose, is not permitted!
There must be more than just an “and” between your heating and drinking water network
According to the european drinking water regulations, EN 1717 and, in Germany, DIN 1988-100, an unsecured connection of the heating circuit to the drinking water network is not permitted. To prevent the backflow of contaminated water, heating water must be separated from the drinking water installation by an approved safety device. With the JUDO HEIFI-FÜL PLUS filling valve, we offer a solution that makes filling and refilling not only safe and in accordance with standards, but also particularly convenient.
Drinking water is not the same as heating circuit water
Untreated drinking water can only be used to a limited extent as heating circuit water. The life time of hot water generators and the entire heating system is directly influenced by the quality of the heating water. In order to create the best conditions, the planning of a hot water heating system requires an analysis of the water to be used as heating water. Depending on the result, the water can be optimised with different treatment techniques.
Guidelines protect and prevent damage
The heating water preparation is regulated in VDI 2035. VDI 2035 is a german guideline with technical specifications to prevent damage with regard to scale incrustrations and waterborn corrosion in hot water heating systems. According to this guideline, it is possible to fill with saline and low-salt heating water. The specifications of the boiler manufacturers are also decisive for the suitable treatment of the filling and supplementary water. The operating instructions of the boiler manufacturer also specify the required hardness of the heating water. Attention: If the specifications are not observed, the warranty may probably be lost under certain circumstances.
Whether softening or complete desalination – JUDO has the right filling system for every task.
Heating water should only transport one: Heat
Air, mud, sand and magnetite are poison to heating systems. They cause, among other things, increased energy consumption, gurgling in the radiators or damage to the boiler.
In closed circuits, impurities, lime incrustrations and corrosive particles almost inevitably occur. Even in new systems, it can’t be completely ruled out that dirt particles get into the heating system. For example, through material residues from production or by impurities that occur during installation. These undesirable ingredients can cause a wide variety of problems – from decreasing heating outputs to malfunctions and increasing wear. For this reason, VDI guideline 2035 requires the integration of a filter into the heating circuit. JUDO offers solutions for the filtration of heating water that not only meets the standard but also the highest demands: from magnetite filters to hydrodynamically optimized backwash filters.
Whether heating, cooling or process plant – no matter where water is used as a heat transfer medium or coolant, a certain disturbance factor usually comes into play: air. Because even if plants are planned, installed and operated with the utmost care: no system is one hundred percent gas-tight. It is practically unavoidable that air enters the system. However, it should never stay there. This is because oxygen is highly reactive and combines with various materials from pipes and components. Air in the heating system causes a variety of problems such as rising energy costs, noise, frequent venting and refilling, and damage to boilers and pipes due to corrosion.
In order to operate a heating system safely and efficiently in the long term, it is therefore essential to remove both the air and the solid particles from the heating water. This is exactly where our products come in.
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Betriebsbereit vorgefertigte Komplett-Einheit, bestehend aus einer JUDO Umkehr-Osmose-Anlage und einer Elektro-Deionisierunganlage in offenem Rahmengestell, intern hydraulisch verrohrt und elektrisch verdrahtet.
Umkehr-Osmose-Anlage bestehend aus: Kerzenfilter, automatisches Rohwasserventil, Hochdruckpumpe, Niederdruck-Polyamid-Wickelmodul, Durchflussanzeige für Reinwasser, Leitfähigkeitsanzeige, automatische Konzentratverdrängung.
Betriebsbereit vorgefertigte Komplett-Einheit, bestehend aus einer JUDO Umkehr-Osmose-Anlage und einer Elektro-Deionisierunganlage in offenem Rahmengestell, intern hydraulisch verrohrt und elektrisch verdrahtet.
Umkehr-Osmose-Anlage bestehend aus: Kerzenfilter, automatisches Rohwasserventil, Hochdruckpumpe, Niederdruck-Polyamid-Wickelmodul, Durchflussanzeige für Reinwasser, Leitfähigkeitsanzeige, automatische Konzentratverdrängung.