The power of gemstones in crystal clear water: In the devices in the JU-WEL product family, drinking water flows around selected, naturally energized gemstones. The characteristic energy of the stones is transferred to the water – it becomes “jeweled”. You can experience this power every day: as an invigorating drink, while showering, bathing, cooking …
Water is life.
“Jewelled” water is life energy
Amethyst = vitality
Improves for more well-being
Supports detoxification and purification
Strengthens the general state of being.
Good against stress, restlessness and insomnia
Rock crystal = clarity
Has an emotionally refreshing and strengthening effect
Improves relationships
Promotes hidden skills
Strengthens self-healing powers
Clarifies the atmosphere of the room
Rose quartz = harmony
Promotes a harmonious life together
Increases empathy
Makes you open-minded and helpful
Improves the ability to love and the strengh of the heart
“Jewelled” water is richer in energy.
And even more beautiful.
Crystal analysis* shows that drinking water that has passed through a JU-WEL device has similar structures to spring water.
* prepared by Hagalis, laboratory for crystal analysis and quality assessment of drinking water
Betriebsbereit vorgefertigte Komplett-Einheit, bestehend aus einer JUDO Umkehr-Osmose-Anlage und einer Elektro-Deionisierunganlage in offenem Rahmengestell, intern hydraulisch verrohrt und elektrisch verdrahtet.
Betriebsbereit vorgefertigte Komplett-Einheit, bestehend aus einer JUDO Umkehr-Osmose-Anlage und einer Elektro-Deionisierunganlage in offenem Rahmengestell, intern hydraulisch verrohrt und elektrisch verdrahtet.